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27 Mar 2024

Using tech to enhance and enable educators, not replace them!

Using tech to enhance and enable educators, not replace them!

Are you worried about the ever-changing EdTech landscape? Not sure where to turn for guidance or advice? Meet Dr. Neelam Parmar, Director of Digital Education and Professional Learning. Neelam is a shining example of how one person can help shift uncertainty around AI by promoting it as a tool that will enhance and enable educators, rather than replace them! 

Drawing on over 20 years of research, practical experiences and her drive towards better, Neelam provides strategy, roadmaps and CPD programmes that make a real impact on digital behaviour within educational institutions. From her creative research tools and immersive talks to the sheer passion she brings to the industry, Dr. Parmar is on a mission to blend technology with teaching. 


“I just want to create a culture of positive digital education. It’s a blend of tradition and innovation and sort of just connecting the dots across all our schools and our communities.” 


With extensive experience in developing digital education strategies, Dr. Parmar is a thought leader in the EdTech space and has engaged with the UK Department of Education (DfE) EdTech Leadership Group. She is also a fellow of The Chartered College, a member of the @womenEd_Tech movement, a judge for the renowned Bett Awards and a member of the Bett Advisory Board. 

Embracing change can be a daunting task, but with Neelam as your champion, it becomes significantly easier. She believes that by embracing even the smallest of changes within the classroom, you can become a better, more productive version of yourself. By introducing said EdTech through a range of streams, institutions will quickly realise that a once intimidating technology has the potential to evolve into a staple tool within the classroom!


“I think we should look at technology as an enabler, an enhancer. As a support mechanism or scaffolding - but it’s not there to replace humanity in us.”  


Check out the full interview with Neelam below to find out more about her plans for the future of education.

These are more than just stories, they are beacons of hope to inspire the global education community to make small yet impactful changes in their classroom and beyond. Join the #BetterTogether movement today by getting in touch.




  • advice
  • bett
  • classroom
  • digital
  • dr
  • edtech
  • education
  • educators
  • enable
  • enhance
  • make
  • more
  • neelam
  • parmar
  • replace
  • sure
  • tech
  • technology
  • tool
  • using
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