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24 Sep 2020

Royal Liberty School - Keeping students involved in school life

Royal Liberty School - Keeping students involved in school life

The evolution of distance learning

As the lockdown progressed our distance learning provision evolved significantly. As with many schools, work is uploaded to Google Classroom and teachers give feedback to students through this platform. Some students, without access to a computer at home, are receiving written packs of work which are collected from school. This allows us to take in completed work for marking. We also use Google Meet to deliver regular virtual lessons which are available to the majority of students through their home device or mobile phone.

Sharing the students' successes

During the first month of lockdown SLT phoned the parents of every student over a two week period to gauge how students were coping. It was clear that, while many were coping with the work, the majority of students were really missing interactions with peers and teachers. With this in mind we developed a Twitter feed with the aim of making the boys/parents feel as close to the school community as possible through sharing the successes of our students and some fun activities. This has included distance learner of the week, maths leaderboards, DofE Award, live lesson schedules, building work updates, letters to the NHS, KS3 challenges and entries, the RLS Lockdown Cookbook, Year 6 transition challenges and our Virtual Sports Day. The response from students and parents has been amazing. The impact of this has been nothing but positive.

Distance Learners of the Week

Virtual Lessons

Bringing together our community

At a time when we are only able to welcome children of key workers and a few year 10 students at a time it has allowed our school community to come together and celebrate our successes and to inject some fun into a very difficult time.

wellThis article was originally featured in the 6th edition of the ‘HES School Improvement Newsletter.’  Read the original article here:

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