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31 May 2022

Riding the wave: providing high-quality digital education across borders

Riding the wave: providing high-quality digital education across borders
Universities UK's 2021 report 'Building the global reputation and delivery of UK transnational online higher education' estimated that, at the height of the pandemic, there could have been in excess of 400,000 students studying UK higher education programmes digitally across borders.

At Ahead by Bett on 25 March 2022, we were delighted to host a roundtable of Higher Education and education technology experts as they reviewed this topic from a policy level through to a practical level. The goal of the roundtable discussion was to explore how the Higher Education sector can collaborate to benefit from opportunities and overcome challenges in transnational online learning.

Participants were led by Professor Helen O'Sullivan Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Chester. A common thread was the challenge of communicating the value of transnational online learning to stakeholders, with participants focusing on three core questions:

  • Information and data:'how can technology help us to improve our understanding of the student experience and outcomes of those students studying digitally across borders?
  • Quality:'how can technology help to ensure that all students get a high-quality educational experience regardless of where or how they study?
  • Access:'how can technology widen access to high quality higher education for particular population groups?

We were delighted to welcome Universities UK to Ahead by Bett to hold this innovative discussion on the future of providing high-quality education across borders. Universities UK has created a full report on the findings of this roundtable discussion, which can be found on their website.


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