Plan your visit: an international guide to Bett UK 2020
With so many invaluable sessions on at Bett UK 2020, picking which to attend can seem overwhelming. To take the stress out of your time at Bett, we’ve outlined the best sessions to attend over the course of the event as an international attendee. For local attendees, we recommend heading over to our local guide here so you don’t miss out on the info that’s most useful to you.
Wednesday 22 January
Get inside the minds of our Nordic students before hearing how international schools are rising to the current challenges in education, then finish the day with a look at the globalisation of higher education.
Nordics@Bett: Creating Really Advanced Future Thinkers, Arena at 12.30pm
Students from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and self-governed areas will showcase how they collaborate through digital media to demonstrate the digital competencies of their schools and the Nordic CRAFT (Creating Really Advanced Future Thinkers) through computational thinking, coding and technology understanding.
Rising to the challenge – how international schools are responding to today’s education challenges, Arena at 2.05pm
Bett’s research has identified the need for resource optimisation, industry collaboration, upskilling staff and improving student and staff wellbeing as the key challenges facing the industry today. This panel discussion will see international school leaders explore some of the initiatives they are using to respond to these challenges.
Moderator: Diane Glass, Commercial Director, ISC Research
Speakers: Carina Nilsson, Principal, Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (Sweden), Graeme Lawrie, Partnerships Director, ACS International Schools (London), Terry McAdams, Director of Learning Technologies, Branksome Hall Asia (South Korea), Maggie Rafee, Principal of Sri KDU International School in Malaysia.
The Globalisation of Higher Education: opportunities and cultural differences, Higher and Further Education Theatre at 4.20pm
As universities seek to grow their international footprints, this session will examine where the opportunities for the sector lie and the importance of understanding local culture when seeking collaboration.
Speakers: Cameron Mirza, Director, Nottingham Trent University UAE, Stephen Waterworth, Head of International Partnerships, Liverpool John Moores University, Professor Guy Walker, School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot Watt University.
Thursday 23 January
Spend your second day at Bett reimagining your approach to teaching and learning, then stick around at the Arena to discover the digital potential of your school.
Expanding the nature of school: rethinking teaching and learning in a non-linear way, Arena at 3.25pm
At its core, this presentation will discuss how we can shape the future by reimagining our current practices and assumptions around teaching and learning. We will share innovative practices including everything from teacher/student collaboration in professional development to interdisciplinary and student-driven courses.
Speaker: Kader Adjout, Director of the Upper School, Beaver Country Day School
SELFIE: Discovering your school’s digital potential, Arena at 3.55pm
The European Commission has developed a free, online diagnostic tool for schools called SELFIE, which helps schools see how they are using digital technologies for teaching. This session will examine the story behind how the tool was developed and how it can be used.
Speakers: Deirdre Hodson, Policy Officer, European Commission, Panagiotis Kampylis, Policy Analyst, European Commission.
As you can imagine, these are just a hand-selected few of the content sessions and panel discussions running over the course of Bett UK 2020, so make sure you are registered here before you head to the event to enjoy these and more of our stellar line up.
About Bett
Bett is the first industry show of the year in the education technology landscape, bringing together 800+ leading companies, 103 exciting new EdTech start ups and over 34,000 attendees from the global education community.
Location & Opening times:
ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL, United Kingdom.
Wed 22nd January, 10:00 - 18:00
Thu 23rd January, 10:00 - 18:00
Fri 24th January, 10:00 - 18:00
Sat 25th January, 10:00 - 15:00